Maravi Terms and Conditions

Please read the Maravi T&C's carefully, you may print or save a copy for your own reference

1. On this page "we", "our", "us", "Maravi", "" and "Crystal Edge" refers to Crystal Edge Limited. "the website" refers to and to any third party auction websites which we may sell on. "You" means the person using the website or placing an order via it, or (where the person doing so is the employee, agent, or subcontractor of another person) the person on whose behalf the website is used or an order is placed.

2. Your use of this site is subject to these terms and conditions and to our Privacy Policy. If there is a conflict between these terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy, these terms and conditions take precedence.

3. We try to ensure the website is available at all times, but we do not guarantee this. For technical reasons, the website may be unavailable (in whole or in part) at some times, and we cannot guarantee that you will be advised of this in advance.

4. If you do not choose to create a password, we are unable to retain your details in a way which will allow you to retrieve them on later visits. If you do create a password, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and for taking steps to ensure that your password remains secure. We do not store your credit card details, other than limited information about your payment method which we need for legal compliance and administering your orders or account. Any credit card details taken will be kept securely for the duration of its intended use and destroyed thereafter.

5. The information you provide to us must be complete, correct, and up to date. If you fail to provide complete and correct information, or fail to promptly update it when there are changes, this will be a breach of your agreement with us. We reserve the right to cancel any order and/or disable or delete any account where: we find that the information you have provided us is not complete, correct, and up to date; your account is used in connection with fraud, illegality, offensive or abusive conduct, the infringement of intellectual property rights, or to cause anxiety or annoyance to any person, or we reasonably suspect any of the foregoing or your involvement in them; we find that you received incomplete, or incorrect information before you placed your order.

6. We grant you a licence to access the website. This licence allows you to view the website, and use any content we may place on it from time to time. The licence does not allow you to download or save any part of the website (other than pages specifically designed to be printed or saved, or which you are expressly invited to print or save) except as this is necessary to allow you to view or use the website in the normal way. You may not edit, modify, reupload, or otherwise deal with any part of the website without our express prior written consent. We do not licence you to link to this website or any part of it. The licence we have given you does not allow you to do anything (including without limitation reproducing, copying, reselling, or otherwise exploiting) in connection with the website for the commercial benefit of any person or company other than Crystal Edge Ltd. You are not permitted to collect, collate, index, or reproduce the website or any part of it (such as product listings) without our express prior written consent.

7. Our website is intended for use by adults, you must be over the age of 18. Use by persons under the age of 18 is not permitted unless with the involvement and supervision of a parent or guardian. For age restricted products we may require additional ID for proof of age and an account must be created.

8. The products sold from this website are intended for private domestic use by consumers and not for use by business entities.

9. The website is the property of Crystal Edge Limited. All of the content on the website (including graphics and text) is our property, and we assert our intellectual property rights in and to that content. That content is protected by UK, European, and International laws. The website makes use of trademarks owned by Crystal Edge Limited. We also use trademarks which are licenced to us by their owners. You should not, and we do not licence you to, use any trademarks or trade dress which appear on this site.

10. When you place an order on the website, this is an offer by you to purchase a product or products from us. We will send you an email confirming we have received your order. This email is not an acceptance by us of your order, but merely an acknowledgement of it. We will only accept your offer to purchase goods, and thereby create a contract between you and us, when we send you an email confirming that we have dispatched your goods.

11. If the prices, descriptions, or any other information you have been provided with before placing your order is incorrect, we may cancel your order without liability to you.

12. You may return goods under the terms of our returns policy. Where you do so, you must abide by the terms of that policy. You may also use the statutory rights set out in the Distance Selling Regulations to cancel your contract with us. Further details of these rights may be found here .

13. We try to get product descriptions (both text and photographs) correct, and to ensure that product availability is accurate. However, product descriptions may change and availability may not be accurate. Where the description of a product changes, we will try to make you aware of this when you order, but you agree that we should send you the product which is in stock even if its description has changed. Where a product is not available, we will try to make you aware of this when you order, but you agree that we should send you any products from your order which are in stock even if one or more other products from your order is not.

14. By using the website, or sending email to us, you are using electronic communications. We will use electronic communications to provide you with information about the website, your account, and any orders you place. By using the website, you agree that we may provide you with information via electronic means, and agree that any contracts or other documents we need to provide you by law can be provided to you by electronic means.

15. We are not responsible for any losses you incur due to a breach by us of these terms and conditions, unless the loss you suffer was reasonably foreseeable to you and to us at the time the breach occurred (or, if earlier, the point at which we entered into a contract to sell you goods). We will not be responsible for any indirect or consequential loss.

16. We do not exclude or limit our liability in any way which is not permitted by law. If any part of these terms and conditions could be read as doing so, we and you agree that it should be read so as to insert or append a statement that the relevant exclusion or limitation does not exclude or limit our liability is excluded or limited where this is not permitted by law. This website is intended for use by consumers and not for use by business entities. To the extent that you are a business entity and not a consumer we are entitled to limit our liability to you, and we do so by excluding all liability for any commercial losses you incur, excluding any liability for losses which arise in whole or in part from the fact that you are a business entity and not a consumer, and otherwise limiting our liability to the sum of £50 per order. If you choose to place an order you will be agreeing that such a limitation is reasonable.

17. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions or our Privacy Policy at any time. The terms and conditions which apply to your use of the website will always be those current when you use the website. The terms and conditions which apply to an order will be those current when you placed your order. The Privacy Policy which applies to personal information will always be the one which applied when you provided the information, or the latest one which you agreed to.

18. If any of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition. We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control. If you breach these conditions and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these conditions.

19. Nothing in these terms and conditions affects or limits your statutory rights, except where this is permitted by law.

20. These terms and conditions are governed by and will construed in accordance with the laws of England. You and we agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

21. Our free 10 year guarantee only covers manufacturing defects. Accidental damage or misuse of the items is not covered under the guarantee. If a guarantee claim is made the item is to be returned to us at the customers cost and we will firstly attempt to repair the item. If the item is beyond repair we will offer a suitable replacement or a credit note to be used on our website. Our products are only intended for domestic use and any commercial use will void the guarantee. To make a claim a proof of purchase and proof of guarantee registration is required. We reserve the right to withdraw the guarantee at anytime and is not part of the original transaction it is simply offered after purchase is completed as a promotion. An item can still be returned as normal during the initial returns period offered in our returns policy.

Version: 1st May 2023

Crystal Edge Limited Registered in England with company number 6073085 Registered Office: Crystal Edge Ltd, 8A King Edward Road, Leicester, LE5 4DB VAT Number: 916 702 332